Our Purpose

To contribute to the flourishing of the United States and Israel as just, inclusive, compassionate and democratic societies, and to improve the quality of life of all citizens in both countries.

Mandel Foundation

1000 Lakeside Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44114

(216) 875-6539

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Jewish education and culture are vital mechanisms for transmitting the richness of Jewish tradition across generations.

The Mandel brothers cared deeply about the future of the Jewish people and the vibrancy of Jewish communities, and they had a long history of supporting Jewish life in Cleveland, North America, and Israel.

We are committed to expanding access to high-quality Jewish educational experiences that meet the needs of today’s families. To spur innovation, we invest in leadership development, new learning platforms and curricula, educator pipelines, and day school sustainability.

In the area of Jewish arts and culture, we aim to cultivate a stronger, more connected ecosystem through leadership development, field building initiatives and support of visionary organizations. We also recognize the power of arts and culture as a pathway for Jewish learning, and as such, have a special interest in programs that link artists, cultural organizations, and educational institutions.

Community Stories

Jewish Teens Find Strength and Unity at BBYO Global Gathering

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